Sunday, April 29, 2007

waiting for rain

Sounds like an emo album title, right? It's true though; we're desperately waiting for rain. It's been dry here for weeks (which is great for tourists, but bad for those of us who have spring allergies), and we really need it.

Even though rollerblading isn't au courant anymore in the states, it's still huge here in Paris. They (whoever "they" are) organize a rollerblading parade thing through the streets of Paris. It's intense; there must be nearly two hundred people - mostly young adults, but some families participate - and they're escorted by the police and four Red Cross vans. If you get stuck trying to cross the street while they go by, you're screwed, as it takes 8 full minutes for the whole pack to traverse la rue. Intense, I tell you. It looks like a lot of fun, though.

AmCath was fun today - I'm looking forward to Sundays more and more, no matter what the music, as I become better friends with the other kids in the choir. (Actually, today the music was great: we did a Parker "Agnus Dei" and Britten's "O Be Joyful." For some reason, though, I have the Walton "O Be Joyful" stuck in my head. Next week we're doing the Mathias "Let the People Praise Thee" - woohoo! On the 18th, we're scheduled to do Finzi's "God is Gone Up," but I'm thinking Ned will change that, as there are two soprano parts and 4 of us sopranos will be MIA.) Anyway, I'm totally digging the people and our dynamic. Markie and Jo, my uncle and aunt, came to the service and stayed for the coffee hour, which was nice. I'm so glad my family (Mom and Dad were here last week) have gotten to meet all my friends, both from school and the choir. This is totally a remnant thing from high school, but my friend's don't seem officially my friends until they've met my parents. Doesn't matter if Mom and Dad like them or not (although they almost always do), just that they've all been introduced. (Harry, incidentally, was a rockstar with Mom and Dad. I'm very proud of him. His parents come into town next week - yikes!)

Okay, must write papers. Must. Write. Papers!

Bah humbuug to homework.

1 comment:

Christine said...

you have the walton stuck in your head because its so much cooler than the britten. i love britten and all, but it is true...