Friday, March 23, 2007

mercy and kindness

I've really been enjoying all the "WHO IS K?" emails I've been getting.

However, I think I'm enjoying them too much. I'm starting to feel sadistic. So I'll tell you a little bit - but K will retain his air of mystery.

K is a good friend here in Paris, a Franco-American, who doesn't like to be identified online. He's pretty much my hero. Blessing of blessings, he'll be in New York City next year (although this will probably be to the absolute detriment of my academic record).

Tonight we're going to some party for Girls at Work in the 8th. (From the email invite: Girls at Work, labo de création féminine, mène une réflexion sur la féminité au travers de l’expression artistique des femmes, en traitant de différents thèmes.) Last night was kind of nuts - Taylor, Laura, Harry, and I went to an internation night thing at a club in Monparnasse - so this will have to be low-key. Well... hopefully.

Tomorrow: reading like Guy Montag after he flips out, cleaning the apartment, and baking lots and lots of yummies.

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