Thursday: after rehearsal, Harry and I rolled over to Taylor's to get ready for clubbing. Laura met us there and we oohed and aahed over Taylor's incredible Eiffel Tower view for the millionth time. (You see the tower up close and personal out of their living room window. Like, very up close and personal. It's kind of intimidating.) During our endless taxi search I made a new friend - a Snickers! He was outside an art gallery, and looked exactly like our lab at home - pink nose and wriggles and everything. His owner was quite tickled by my excitement, and invited us into the gallery for the opening party they were having. We really wanted to go in (especially since there were costumed revelers inside), but we had to make it to the club before they started charging entry. I'm totally not a club person, but it was a blast! We went to Mix because a) Thursday nights are Erasmus nights, and b) Martin Solveig, a DJ Harry likes, was playing. It was packed and bouncing and there were crazy lights and ahhhh it was overwhelming. I want to go back. Eventually. And again for free.
Friday: reading and West Wing and sleep. Beautiful, beautiful sleep.
Friday night: reading and West Wing and sleep. Beautiful, beautiful sleep.
Saturday: reading and baking - exactly what God made Saturdays for.
Saturday night: Nellie's 21st birthday! A bunch of us met at the wine bar around the corner from our apartment - Nellie, Alyssa, Taylor, Laura, Rob (a friend from Columbia who's doing a full year at Science Po), Harry, and three of Harry's French friends. (I've found a new home in this wine bar, by the way; it's not too expensive, and while the dynamic has been different every time I've gone, it's always been warm and friendly and fun.) From there we moved to the Valentine's Day bar (it has a real name, but I can't remember it and so will call it from here on out "the Valentine's Day bar") to really celebrate. Nellie celebrated so much, in fact, that by midnight she had started playing the piano. It was kind of amazing. Here's a photo of us roomies from Saturday night:
Sunday: AmCath, obviously. Daylight savings time... not so obviously. I arrived at the church exactly an hour late, just as the service was about to begin. It had to happen to me eventually, I guess. After the service, I threw a brunch for Suzanne, the soprano I love who's leaving for the States on Wednesday. It was a total hit, if I do say so myself. We had all my baked yummies (banana bread, chocolate cake, apple pie, raisin scones, and brie en croute), plus some other goodies and lots of champagne and orange juice. There were about 12 of us, mostly of the younger crowd, and a core of about 5 stayed past 4. We ate and talked and laughed and salsaed (yes, there was dancing) and sang along to everything from the Beatles to Beyoncé to Big and Rich. It was so much fun. I love that I've made friends in the choir... I had missed the St. Michael's dynamic! Tonight some of us are going out for Thai, again to fête Suzanne. I don't know what we're going to do when she leaves; we're going to have to find a new excuse to party.
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