Friday, March 23, 2007


Turned in my first fac exposé for my Belle Époque class on Monday. Was supposed to present it orally, but kind of freaked out beforehand and the professor took mercy on me. It went something like this:
Betsy: I am so scared and I feel terribly unprepared.
Mme: Are you American?
Betsy: Yes.
Mme: Email me the paper after class.
Betsy: Vive la France.
So that made me life a lot easier. Unfortunately, I have another due on April 2nd - and I won't be able to wriggle out of that one. (It's for the medieval class, and will be on cities in France in the early 13th century. Exciting. Like, actually.)

Made Jed watch "Gigi" with me the other night. I love the movie, but Lerner and Lowe really were predictable. We spent most of the two hours gushing over the clothes; why don't men dress like that anymore? For that matter, why don't women? I'm not advocating corsets or anything, but turn-of-the-century evening gowns are stunning. For example:

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