Friday, February 16, 2007

jesus will be risen in t minus 45 days

We're not singing on Sunday because there's going to be a guest choir at AmCath, but all of a sudden Ash Wednesday is next week and so we rehearsed like whoa last night. (Side note: Ned wasn't there, so the assistant, William, led the rehearsal. He's adorable and reminds me so much like a young Erik. He even has an earring. I'm thinking there's some sort of church musician mold that everyone's poured into while at conservatory.) We're doing some amazing music, including the very first mass setting I ever sang. Here's the list:

Remember not, O Lord God (Tallis)
Mass for Five VOices (Byrd)
Psalm 51 (Stainer chant)
Deliver me from mine enemies (Parsons)
plus two random modern pieces that i'm not listing because they don't make me weak at the knees

We've also started preparing for our two March concerts, at which we're singing Langlais' "Messe en style ancien" and Duruflé's "Quatre Motets". Is it weird that I love Lent?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1)The Byrd mass for five voices is my absolute favorite mass ever.
2)Did you hear that Scott Hanoian is leaving DC after this year for a job in Michigan?
3)Lent is my favorite time of year, and my favorite holiday is either Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, or Holy Saturday. It's a tough call....