Monday, May 7, 2007

lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

(It seems I have used this as a blog post title before. That's either amazing or really, really sad.)

lions = allergies. France is crazy with pollen, kind if like DC, but with pollen that my body can't deal with. I've developed these super Nana sneezes that scare me with their violence.

tigers = finding a new apartment and finalizing my summer jobs. (More like a big, stuffed, fuzzy tiger from FAO Schwartz; I've both bound a new apartment and finalized my summer jobs. Details later.)

bears = the last week of Reid Hall classes.

It may seem kind of counter-intuitive, but every time the end of the semester rolls around, and I'm staring down freedom, I start wishing I had taken the semester off and swearing that I'm going to run away to the circus. Why? This is why:
Monday: grammar paper #4 rewrite, grammar paper #5 final, med. history paper, grammar exam.
Tuesday: bank holiday woohoo!
Wednesday: med. art exam
Thursday: med. art dossier, history of paris exam
Friday: death and destruction

I'd greatly appreciate emails and stuff in my time of travail. I'm starting to think that only Kate Chieco, Christine, and Nana still love me.

1 comment:

laura said...

yo i love you.
also i think françois hates me now. with good reason. CATASTROPHE.